
“Cóm on wanre niht scríðan sceadugenga” -Out of the wan night slinked the shadow walker (Beowulf)

A poem I wrote while reading the old epic Beowulf. I’ve long been fascinated with the Sceadugengan – the shadow walkers, so here is a weird half sonnet style poem written about one.

Come Shadow Walker,

Come Silent Talker,

Out of the wan night,

Bring fear as your blight.

Come Restless Shifter,

Come Noiseless Drifter,

Show me your true shape,

Shed your masking cape.

Come Mouthless Gnasher,

Come Shapeless Thrasher,

Test now your power,

Me, try devour.

I, you cannot beat,

So Death you shall meet.

Hope you enjoy, please comment.

The Lonely Recluse.

~ by The Lonely Recluse on January 5, 2011.

7 Responses to “Sceadugenga”

  1. Amazing. It was kind of like a chant, like you were calling the shadow walker. Come, come. Ooo. Shiver wanting.

  2. death you shall meet,

    powerful, keep it up.

  3. […] fair while ago I posted a poem called Sceadugenga ( I thought that it would be a good idea to put a story round it, but didn’t want to write it […]

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