Our World Burns

Over at dVerse Björn is musing over a poetic form I’ve been wanting to play with for a while. The form of chant, possibly the most ancient form of poetry with roots before language itself. Go read Björn’s description of chants, as well as the chants of the other participants.

On to my chant. It’s not often I write poetry incorporating my faith, perhaps that is a failing on my part. Some of my uni readings bled into this (not too surprising as it was written whilst studying). I believe we are called to be stewards of a land we were given as a gift. We’re doing a crap job of it. This chant is hopefully a call to wake up from our numbness and self imposed blindness, it is hopefully a call to something better.

Look around
Blood soaked hills
Blood soaked skies
Blood soaked seas
Not our fault
Our world burns

Head in sand
Life in hand
Life in doubt
Life in fear
Not our fault
Our world burns

Look around
We are numb
We are blind
We are deaf
Not our fault
Our world burns

Forgive our sins
Blood on hands
Blood on side
Blood on feet
This our fault
Our world burns

Help us bring
Life in hand
Life in hope
Life in joy
This our fault
Our world burns

Look around
We must feel
We must see
We must hear
This our fault
Our world burns

Our world burns
This our fault
Stand up
Stand up
Not too late
Our world burns
This our fault
There is time
If we stand
If we stand.

Hope you enjoy, please feel free to comment
The Lonely Recluse

~ by The Lonely Recluse on July 15, 2021.

24 Responses to “Our World Burns”

  1. A sobering write. May we stand up!

  2. If we take a stand, there is time to rectify our mistakes indeed. Such lovely writing here and I love how you used repetition in this way; it feels refreshing to me because it’s communicating a different thought and changing that thought throughout the piece; the epitome of change and it is hopeful. It also shows a theme of taking accountability, going from “Not our fault” to “This our fault.” A very brilliantly penned and apt piece for these times. I always enjoy your writing, especially the images you weave with your words.

    • I just hope folk listen to those calling for a stand before it is too late. One of the books I’m reading at the moment describes the difference between the numbing effect of the powers that be, and the need to wake up, I wanted to capture that shift in this piece. The fact that all it takes is one word to change the whole emphasis and call for accountability just highlights how little we need to do sometimes.
      Thank you for the kind comment about my writing as a whole. Glad you enjoy it

  3. We all gotta work together to extinguish the disaster.

  4. A powerful plea. If ever we needed to stand, it is now.

  5. A hymn to the planet. Fabulous work! I love the subtle change in the last two lines midway. An important step.

    • It’s amazing how much difference one word makes. It’s also amazing how much difference little actions make, we can all do our bit if we accept this is our fault. Glad you enjoyed it

  6. ❤ wonderful!

  7. I echo your sentiments and hope there is still time to fix this!

  8. Oh.. this was really effective… I love the shift from Not our fault to taking responsibility … we all have some responsibility and if everyone took a small step I think we can shift the future.

  9. Excellent

  10. I love this!!! As I sit here typing, my State of Oregon is battling the largest wildfire in the Country. So sad, so tragic.

    • I hadn’t realised that about Oregon (I live in the UK), I hope that you are managing to avoid the worst of the wild fires and are keeping safe. It’s strange how metaphors can be so literal at times, makes you wonder how the likes of politicians continue to ignore what we have done.

  11. This is so powerful in its lament of what’s occurring nowadays! 💝 Yes, we hear you.

  12. A chant, a battle cry, a marching song… may we forge forward for Jesus! His plan still prospers and His victory is still sure! Love your chant :). Thank you!

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